New Hope Church

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Let's Be Honest With Ourselves, Please

Hi, I’m Serena. I’m a sinner saved by grace, and I love Jesus.

I am flawed, broken, and often a walking disaster. I’m also happy, I love hard, I work hard, and I’m loyal. I’m learning to embrace all of it because grace is a beautiful thing. I want other women to experience freedom through grace.

I started blogging a few years ago. I chose the name Whimsical Soul for my blog because I thought it described me perfectly. Whimsical means various things: unusual, odd, playful, impulsive. It is kind of all over the place, like me. You can never be sure what you will get with me … I can never be sure what I will get with myself! Soul means the spiritual or emotional part of a person … that about sums me up: I’m odd, yet deep.

I love reading something relatable and encouraging; that is how I try to write. I keep my grammar simple, and I don’t use big words. If I start reading something and I need to search Google for the meaning of the words, I’m out! See ya, wouldn’t wanna read ya!”

 From the Heart and Soul

I write from the heart. I write real, honest, and quirky. I want to meet others in a place that not everyone can. I want women to know they aren’t alone and that we all share similar struggles, thoughts, and experiences … without the oversized, unrealistic, self-help book.

There's been so many times throughout my life that I wondered if I was the only woman feeling like I was. I’ve been to many women's small groups, mom groups, and volunteer events over the years. I often left feeling bad about myself. Those other women had it together. What was wrong with me?

The older I get, the more I’ve learned that many of us are trying to look like we have it together, trying to keep up with our social media personas, and yet we are secretly crumbling inside from the stress and pressure of appearance. WHY?????  All those groups I used to attend would have been more beneficial if we had been more honest, had a good cry, laughed at ourselves, hugged it out, went back home … and tried again.

I pray my writing inspires, offers hope, makes you laugh, and makes you feel like you are never alone.

Welcome to my whimsical life.

Psalm 46:5: God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.

~Serena Cahoon
The Whimsical Soul