New Hope Church

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Heart Like David

I would rather surround myself with people who are honest about their messy lives than with people who try so hard to impress others. You know the ones I’m talking about? You just can’t have a real conversation with them. Everything is surface, vague, or materialistic. Who could possibly relate?

Just open social media. You will see them. I bet their closets are immaculate … or maybe not.

Give me all your real. Let’s share our messy stories and encourage one another. Let’s learn from each other. Show me I’m not alone!

Hello David

One of my favorite Bible characters is David. That’s right, David!

You either just nodded in agreement or you are wondering what kind of person I am.

David: What an absolute mess at times! A man like him living in our world today would be slandered and smeared all over the media. Could you imagine?!

David -- adulterer, had an innocent man killed, the deadly plague that killed thousands of people. One son was a rapist, the other kills his brother and betrays his father. The media would eat this up!

A man after God’s own heart.

Acts 13:22

“I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” 

Can you relate at all? I can. I am a sinner, saved by grace. I can be a mess. I sometimes make poor decisions. I hurt people. I disappoint those I care about the most.

But, one thing stays. My heart.

I’m OK being like David. I’d rather be like David than to sit here pretending to be a saint. I will never write about a fake, unattainable life of perfection. How can we reach others this way?

Serena -- pushover, mess maker, selfish, short-tempered, bossy. I’ve hurt the ones I love more times than I care to admit.

Serena. A woman after God’s own heart.

1 Samuel 16:7

For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.

The Real Me

God sees me, the real me, and He loves me, unconditionally. You know what else? He doesn’t care about my messy closet. Or yours.

Sometimes I imagine my dad and Jesus sitting together in heaven, watching me act a fool. They shake their heads. My dad says (as he always did), “Serena, your mouth is gonna’ get you in trouble.” Jesus nods his head in agreement. Then (I hope anyways), Jesus gently reminds my dad where I got it from … KIDDING!

In all honesty, I HAVE been known to act a fool and my mouth DOES get me in trouble (you were right, dad). My intentions are always in the right place, but I don’t always take the best approach.

Just like David, I love God, I want to obey Him, I want to serve Him, I want to seek His will in all I do.

Just like David, I stumble.

Just like David, I own my failures, I repent, I seek forgiveness, and I keep going.

Pretending to be perfect or offering advice without admitting my own faults is not a benefit to anyone, especially to myself. So many are hiding in their pain because they are scared to admit their truth when everyone around is living a life of filters, family photo shoots, and themed parties.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for family photos and themed parties. They can be great. But don’t tell me you didn’t snap at your family while getting ready for the photos, or that someone forgot the candles for the themed party cake, and you didn’t have a meltdown. Just me?

I want to be an encouragement to others. To share my struggles so others don’t feel so alone. In a world where everything is filtered and perfected, I want to be real.

Life Is Hard. Life Is Real.

No matter how much you love and trust God, there will always be struggles. We live in a broken world, we are all broken people, including believers. God doesn’t promise we won’t have hard times, but He promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Let’s remove our filters and stop trying to be perfect just to impress others. We aren’t fooling God, so what does it matter? Let’s strive to honor God in all we do, just like David. And let’s be real about it, so that we can reach lost souls.

To my Davids out there: I see you. Keep pressing on. You are not alone.

Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus